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Reclaiming Our Time When Time Is Running Against Us

Lounging around the living room, my husband and I were talking. It was Saturday morning which seemed like a much needed day to somewhat unwind and recharge from the long workweek. Only problem was, there was still work to be done and it felt like there was no time to relax. 

My laptop glares at me from the coffee table with a spreadsheet I’ve been working on for the past week and a half. I knew that I had to get this spreadsheet done which meant that my entire day would be filled with numbers, formulas, and typing, leaving me to cope with the “Sunday Scaries” (the hours leading up to getting ready for the next workweek) the next day.

Ugh, the spreadsheet…

Maybe it’s just me but I’m definitely noticing a shift in time. Our task list seems to be getting longer while the days are getting shorter. Time is limited. The days seem to be going faster and faster making us feel like time is not for us but against us. Weekdays feel like 3 days instead of 5 and the weekend feels like a day. More and more people are taking notice leaving them to feel frustrated, burned out, and even anxious. 

Transparent moment: I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been feeling a little anxious myself about the way time is going. Before my feet hit the floor in the morning, my days are filled with all the things I either need to catch up on or have to do. It’s like a time warp of me not knowing what day it is or whether I’m coming or going. Some days, I feel confused, tired, or…lost.

I knew that something had to change and this was a moment where I actually remember to STOP AND PRAY. While praying, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that this was a slick tactic from the enemy to steal time from us, fill our time with ridiculous things to crowd God out, or to get us to squander our time so we get off track. Knowing this, I firmly believe more than ever, prayer is needed to make the most of our time. 

We’re not the only one’s experiencing this shift in time. The enemy knows that time is winding down for him in anticipation for Jesus’ return. In this season, he’s trying to do everything he can to get those in Christ:

- distracted

- discouraged

- defeated 

In this blog post, I’ll reveal more of how the enemy uses the 3 tactics to steal our time and what we can do to combat it.


Satan will use distraction as a means to get us off course. He presents petty problems that can turn into a big deal or what I like to call “shiny object syndrome”; where he’ll take the latest and greatest of what our heart desires knowing that it’s only temporary until we see the next shiny object. This perpetually keeps our minds and hearts occupied having us to focus on our desires and what’s in front of us instead of what God has for us.


As much as I don’t like to admit it, lately I’ve been struggling with feeling like I should be much further along in life than I currently am. It’s been causing much anxiety, stress, disappointment, and discouragement. I often take a look at my age and compare it to other people my age along with their accomplishments or financial stability and status. 

I quickly realize this is dangerous a game to play because discouragement can make us feel like life is passing us by even with our prayer to God. The enemy gets us to think that God doesn’t have our time or time itself in control and He using it against us. We become suspicious or even blame God because He’s elevating, promoting, and blessing others who seem to be doing exceptionally well in their lives while we feel stuck as the days quickly turn to weeks, months, and some cases even years.

This is a perfect storm for anxiety because to prove our worth in getting blessed we have to try harder, strive bigger, take more on projection, be all things to all people. We become depleted or worse…resentful.


This one is a hard hitting blow and even hard to bounce back from because once the enemy has us defeated, we’ve lost our will to try. We become resigned in our prayers, Bible reading, and intimacy with God. We adopt the, “Why bother? Why try?” mindset and that’s where the enemy wants us. 

We stop fulfilling our purpose, walking in our callings, sharing our gifts. We quit. What’s worse? Time really does pass us by and we’ll have nothing to show for it. As we suffer in defeat, the enemy smiles and laughs at our demise. 

So the question on the floor is, what can we do to make the best of our time which seems to be flying by faster than what we can keep up with purposefully and peacefully? 

Seek God First

We have so many voices telling us what to do and why we should do it with high pressure tactics and time limits. While I’m all for wise counsel, too many voices (especially the wrong ones) can confuse us and give us “shiny object syndrome.” Even the ones that mean well doesn’t necessarily mean that their advice will be well for you. 

God being the source of all wisdom will show us what we need to focus on while giving us the strength to do it. Seeking God first will train us to hear His voice and direction so we can follow Him and focus on His plan and will for our lives (John 10:27, Matt. 6:33, Isa 30:21). 

Rest In Jesus 

I know. It sounds counterintuitive to rest in a time where the world is in a chaotic state and while time itself is counting down faster than a game show buzzer. 

Matthew 11:28-30 (which is my favorite scripture) tells us to come to Jesus and rest. It’s an invitation for us to lay down our striving, trying, our futile efforts of trying to earn His blessing and love. Resting in Jesus gives us an assurance that we don’t have to run ourselves ragged and cater to the demands of other people. While we may have jobs and other responsibilities to others (ie. Jobs, family, ministry, etc.), our main goal should be focused on pleasing God. 

Also, we can rest that although His ways, thoughts and even timelines is higher than ours, He is the master of time, He will fulfill His promises, and all things will work together for good (Isa. 55:8-9, Phil. 1:7, Rom. 8:28)

Make space for God

Remember, the enemy wants you distracted and discouraged so you can ultimately be defeated. This point is a chain link to my first point about prayer. 

It’s IMPERATIVE that we make space for God in our lives. At times our lives pickup too many things and listen to too many voices which leave very little or no space for God. This why we feel weak, anxious, exhausted, confused, and ready to quit because we’ve burned ourselves out to the point of defeat. 

Making Space for God in our lives gives us strength, clarity and direction. We’ll have the power to overcome the enemy tactics, wisdom to discern the times and seasons and direction to move forward in God’s plan and will with intention and purpose. 

Jesus was a perfect model of how to make the most of His time in ministry on Earth while having much less time than we do. Time was definitely winding down before the cross came but He ultimately accomplished His purpose and mission. 

He was intentional in dealings and healings with others. He wasn’t in a hurry nor was He anxious about having to meet the demands of other people. He often slowed down to make space for God the Father and best of all, accomplished SO MUCH in little time flawlessly. 

Knowing that time is moving fast, think about:

- Where you can adjust your life to make space for God. 

- What things can leave or stay? 

- Where the enemy is using his tactics to get you of course?

Each of us are on borrowed time and much be intention about reclaiming the time that the enemy tries to steal from us. We’re here to live on purpose for a purpose. I pray that as you make space for God, you’ll have the time live your best fully and intentionally.


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